The best movies
with the theme pedophile priest
- Big NothingJean-Baptiste Andrea, 2006
- In the Name of the SonVincent Lannoo, 2012
- The Silence of the ChurchEdwin Baily, 2013
- Nobody Sleeps in the Woods TonightBartosz M. Kowalski, 2020
- ProcessionRobert Greene, 2021
- Perfect ObedienceLuis Urquiza, 2014
- JudgmentTom Topor, 1990
- Sheep SkinRafael Muñiz, 2019
- Sands of SilenceChelo Alvarez-Stehle, 2016
- PretiAstutillo Smeriglia, 2012
- Brendan Smyth: Betrayal of TrustMichael McDowell, 2011
- PreyMatt Gallagher, 2019