The best movies
with the theme palm springs
- The Saint In Palm SpringsJack Hively, 1941
- Fraternity VacationJames Frawley, 1985
- Eating Out: The Open WeekendQ. Allan Brocka, 2011
- Palm SpringsMax Barbakow, 2020
- Palm SwingsSean Hoessli, 2017
- The UnicornRobert Schwartzman, 2019
- Don't Worry DarlingOlivia Wilde, 2022
- Mack & RitaKatie Aselton, 2022
- Apocalypse, CaliforniaChad Peter, 2011
- Desert Utopia: Mid-Century Architecture in Palm SpringsJake Gorst, 2010
- Mid-Century Moderns: The Homes That Define Palm SpringsJohn C. Brown, 2013