The best movies
with the theme nazi war criminal
- The Night PorterLiliana Cavani, 1974
- LoreCate Shortland, 2012
- Apt PupilBryan Singer, 1998
- Labyrinth of LiesGiulio Ricciarelli, 2014
- FatherJohn Power, 1990
- Getting Away with MurderHarvey Miller, 1996
- The Photographer of MauthausenMar Targarona, 2018
- Night GalleryBarry Shear, Steven Spielberg, Boris Sagal, 1969
- Riphagen the UntouchablePieter Kuijpers, 2016
- Francisco Boix: A Photographer in HellLlorenç Soler, 2000
- Hitler's Evil ScienceDavid Korn-Brzoza, 2019
- The ReplacementÓscar Aibar, 2021
- Filmmakers for the ProsecutionJean-Christophe Klotz, 2023
- Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah ArendtAda Ushpiz, 2015
- June ZeroJake Paltrow, 2022
- The Most Dangerous Man in Europe: Otto Skorzeny's After WarPedro de Echave, Pablo Azorín, 2020
- Hunting Down the NazisIsabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle, 2007
- Sealed VerdictLewis Allen, 1948
- Goering: Nazi Number OneCamille Levavasseur, 2020
- Made in Auschwitz: The Untold Story of Block 10Sylvia Nagel, Sonya Winterberg, 2019
- That Justice Be DoneGeorge Stevens, 1945
- Mein Name sei AltmannPeter F. Müller, 2015
- Revenge: Our Dad the Nazi KillerDanny Ben-Moshe, 2023
- Hitler's Teen KillersJulien Johan, 2020
- Josef Mengele: Hunting a Nazi CriminalEmmanuel Amara, 2017
- Sealed VerdictLewis Allen, 1948
- The House on Garibaldi StreetPeter Collinson, 1979