The best movies
with the theme minimalism
- Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important ThingsMatt D'Avella, 2015
- The Minimalists: Less Is NowMatt D'Avella, 2021
- Einstein on the BeachDon Kent, Robert Wilson, 2014
- Secret BallotBabak Payami, 2001
- Philip Glass: Looking GlassÉric Darmon, 2005
- The Turning TurtleNitesh Durgude, 2021
- AloneLukas Nola, 2001
- All the Cities of the NorthDane Komljen, 2016
- AN7R0i7EAlfredo Viramontes, 2020
- Re/cycleRene Smaal, 2019
- EndgamePhil Mulloy, 2015
- Happy Old YearNawapol Thamrongrattanarit, 2019
- ShiverToshiaki Toyoda, 2021
- What is Minimalism? : The American Perspective 1958-1968Michael Blackwood, 2004
- Einstein on the Beach: The Changing Image of OperaMark Obenhaus, 1985
- Occurrences of Questionable SignificanceDave Lojek, 2020
- Pure SweetnessDave Lojek, 2016
- Mária Kerényi, 41, July 1970Daniel Misota, 2023
- RunDaryl-Lynn Ramsay, 2011
- Late AutumnYasujirô Ozu, 1960
- Take Care of Your Scarf, TatianaAki Kaurismäki, 1994