The best movies
with the theme military coup
- ZCosta-Gavras, 1969
- We Want the ColonelsMario Monicelli, 1973
- The Loves of HerculesCarlo Ludovico Bragaglia, 1960
- Guns of DarknessAnthony Asquith, 1962
- MissingCosta-Gavras, 1982
- Whoops ApocalypseTom Bussmann, 1986
- April CaptainsMaria de Medeiros, 2000
- The Painting LessonPablo Perelman, 2012
- Rage to KillDavid Winters, 1988
- Your ExcellencyMiguel M. Delgado, 1967
- From Atatürk to Erdoğan: Building a NationNicolas Glimois, 2019
- El cine libertario: cuando las películas hacen historiaJosé María Almela, Verónica Vigil, 2010
- JangoSilvio Tendler, 1984
- After the FallAtıf Yılmaz, 1999
- Corporate AccountabilityJonathan Perel, 2020
- Twenty Years LaterEduardo Coutinho, 1984
- The SpiralArmand Mattelart, Valérie Mayoux, Jacqueline Meppiel, 1976
- CondorRoberto Mader, 2007
- Operación PalaceJordi Évole, 2014
- All Doors Were ClosedMemduh Ün, 1990
- Myanmar Diaries 2022
- City of PhotographersSebastián Moreno, 2006
- Kampf auf der Bosporus-Brücke - Die Türkei und der gescheiterte PutschversuchCan Dündar, 2021
- Nasser's Republic: The Making of Modern EgyptMichal Goldman, 2016