The best movies
with the theme magical creature
- My Neighbor TotoroHayao Miyazaki, 1988
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanAlfonso Cuarón, 2004
- The Spiderwick ChroniclesMark Waters, 2008
- A Midsummer Night's DreamWilliam Dieterle, Max Reinhardt, 1935
- Voyage to MeloniaPer Åhlin, 1989
- Hotel TransylvaniaGenndy Tartakovsky, 2012
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemDavid Yates, 2016
- PegasusRaoul Servais, 1973
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice 2010
- The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeBill Melendez, 1979
- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldDavid Yates, 2018
- Four Kids and ItAndy de Emmony, 2020
- Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of DumbledoreDavid Yates, 2022
- The Golden AntelopeLev Atamanov, 1954
- DEEMO Memorial KeysShuhei Matsushita, 2022
- The School of the Magical AnimalsGregor Schnitzler, 2021
- Der FreischützAlf Bernhard-Leonardi, 1999
- Magic Children Doing ThingsCarl Faruolo, Monica Ray, 2015
- Men in SuitsFrank H. Woodward, 2012
- The WhistlerPeter Ferris Rosati, 2013
- The JeepDave Fleischer, 1938
- Orion and the DarkSean Charmatz, 2024
- Woodpeckers were the first to knowAshin Jose, 2023
- L'augellin BelverdeEmanuele Luzzati, Giulio Gianini, 1973
- Si Prinsipe Abante at ang lihim ng Ibong AdarnaTony Cruz, 1990
- "ABC Weekend Specials" The Winged ColtLarry Elikann, 1977