The best movies
with the theme hero's journey
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingPeter Jackson, 2001
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingPeter Jackson, 2003
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersPeter Jackson, 2002
- The Summer of SangaileAlantė Kavaitė, 2015
- The Lord of the RingsRalph Bakshi, 1978
- The Last DragonMichael Schultz, 1985
- New Year's TripPyotr Nosov, 1959
- DamselJuan Carlos Fresnadillo, 2024
- You and MeMichael Lawrence, Lorenzo DeCampos, Taylor Montemarano, 2016
- The Hero's Journey: The World of Joseph CampbellJanelle Balnicke, 1987
- HerculesRoswitha Haas, 1997
- Journey to Mt. FujiCris Ubermann, 2015
- MandorlaRoberto Miller, 2015
- Soultribe: A Dance of LifeStefan Rainer, 2023