The best movies
with the theme full moon
- An American Werewolf in LondonJohn Landis, 1981
- ManhunterMichael Mann, 1986
- MoonstruckNorman Jewison, 1987
- Dog SoldiersNeil Marshall, 2002
- Doctor XMichael Curtiz, 1932
- Another WolfCopLowell Dean, 2017
- The ForsakenJ.S. Cardone, 2001
- The Secret of Cuck IslandRives Elliot, 2022
- Frankenstein's Bloody TerrorEnrique López Eguiluz, 1968
- The Wolf ManGeorge Waggner, 1941
- Last Stop for PaulNeil Mandt, 2008
- Moon of the Blood BeastDustin Ferguson, 2019
- Frankenstein Meets the Wolf ManRoy William Neill, 1943
- Night TimePeter Fratzscher, 1998
- Blood MoonEmma Tammi, 2021
- Laser MoonDouglas K. Grimm, 1993
- Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet the WolfmanKathi Castillo, 2000
- Evil LurksAaron Hawkins, Chris Shern, 2023
- The Wolf of Snow HollowJim Cummings, 2020
- SheShaji N. Karun, 2019
- Blue MoonPaula Bourgie, 2018
- The Curse of the WerewolfTerence Fisher, 1961
- The Adventures of a Two-Minute WerewolfMark Cullingham, 1985
- Pulse 3Joel Soisson, 2008
- Trick-or-Treat for UNICEFAndrew Borno, 2013
- The Boy Who Cried WerewolfNathan Juran, 1973
- The GorgonTerence Fisher, 1964
- There Were Days... and MoonsClaude Lelouch, 1990
- WolfCopLowell Dean, 2014
- The LycanthropistDavid Mun,