The best movies
with the theme fan culture
- Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's HopeMorgan Spurlock, 2011
- A LEGO BrickumentaryDaniel Junge, Kief Davidson, 2014
- Springsteen & IBaillie Walsh, 2013
- ImperioMerlin Slamanig,
- My Babysitter's a VampireBruce McDonald, 2010
- Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little PonyLaurent Malaquais, 2012
- A Brony TaleBrent Hodge, 2014
- Done the ImpossibleBrian Wiser, Jason Heppler, Tony Hadlock, Jared Nelson, Jeremy Neish, 2006
- Travelling avantJean-Charles Tacchella, 1987
- CinemaniaAngela Christlieb, Stephen Kijak, 2002
- Hand-Drawn: DocumentaryFelicity Morland,
- TrekkiesRoger Nygard, 1997
- FanarchyDonna Davies, 2015
- Trek NationScott Colthorp, 2011
- FanboysKyle Newman, 2009
- Get a Life!William Shatner, 2012
- Star WarriorsKevin Burns, 2007
- Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever MadeJeremy Coon, Tim Skousen, 2015
- FanalysisBruce Campbell, 2002
- HeroKerryn Williams, 2017
- FanManeesh Sharma, 2016
- The One Piece Podcast Goes To Japan 2014
- We Are WizardsJosh Koury, 2008
- Depeche Mode: 1989–90 “If You Wanna Use Guitars, Use Guitars…” 2006
- Ringers: Lord of the FansCarlene Cordova, 2005
- Fade to BlackVernon Zimmerman, 1980
- The Matrix RevisitedJosh Oreck, 2001
- The People vs. George LucasAlexandre O. Philippe, 2010
- Trekkies 2Roger Nygard, 2004
- Doctor Who Am IVanessa Yuille, Matthew Jacobs, 2022