The best movies
with the theme evil nun
- The Magdalene SistersPeter Mullan, 2002
- The NunLuis de la Madrid, 2005
- The NunCorin Hardy, 2018
- The Devil's DoorwayAislinn Clarke, 2018
- The PurgationElaine Chu, 2015
- The Halfway HouseKenneth J. Hall, 2004
- EerieMikhail Red, 2019
- NymphaIvan Zuccon, 2007
- Sister DeathPaco Plaza, 2023
- HexenkinderEdwin Beeler, 2020
- Dark WatersMariano Baino, 1993
- Legendary Panty MaskTakafumi Nagamine, 1991
- If She ScreamsJ. Garrett Vorreuter, Stephen Garnett, 2021
- Monja satanicaViva Ruiz, 2006