The best movies
with the theme duo
- Miami ViceMichael Mann, 2006
- The Toilets Were Closed from the InsidePatrice Leconte, 1976
- Les IrréductiblesRenaud Bertrand, 2006
- Commercial KingsDaniel Strange, 2011
- The Knight Jerks TrilogyChris Hazenberg, 2010
- Tim & KimMagnus Husemoen, 2021
- Tim and Harvey in the Great OutdoorsJack Kinsey, 1998
- The Good Loan SharksAfdlin Shauki, 2024
- Amy John & Jiu Jitsu DaveRuby Vincent,
- Die Rosenheim-CopsJörg Schneider, Gunter Krää, Werner Siebert, Daniel Drechsel-Grau, Holger Gimpel, Walter Bannert, Stefan Klisch, Esther Wenger, Laura Thies, Irene Gräf, Wilhelm Engelhardt, Holger Barthel, Karsten Wichniarz, Uli Möller, Tom Zenker, Christoph Klünker, Tanja Roitzheim, Bettina Braun, Käthe Niemeyer, Carsten Meyer-Grohbrügge, Bodo Schwarz, Herwig Fischer, Dieter Kehler, Thomas Kronthaler, Manuel Grabmann, Michaela Zschiechow, Gudrun Scheerer, Ed Ehrenberg, Axel Hannemann, Rainer Gutjahr, Martin Kinkel, Astrid Schult, 2002
- Double DragonKazuyuki Kurata, 1995
- Kosmos kai kosmakisOrestis Laskos, 1964
- Da Dick & Dom DairiesJason Garbett, 2009
- Pinky and the BrainKirk Tingblad, Charles Visser, Nelson Recinos, Russell Calabrese, Liz Holzman, Al Zegler, Audu Paden, Mike Milo, Rusty Mills, Toshihiko Masuda, Jon McClenahan, 1995