The best movies
with the theme drunk driving
- License to DriveGreg Beeman, 1988
- Hit and Run 2009
- Let Us PreyBrian O'Malley, 2014
- Drunk DrivingDavid Miller, 1939
- Mumbai 125 KMHemant Madhukar, 2014
- CaroltynDerrick Hammond, 2022
- CardinalsGrayson Moore, Aidan Shipley, 2017
- Red Asphalt 1964
- School's Out!Kit Hood, 1992
- A Sudden Loss of GravityTodd Verow, 2000
- Alcohol Is Dynamite 1958
- Blind TurnRobert Orr, 2023
- Road from RuinRyan Northcott, 2021
- Lightning in a BottleJeff Kwitny, 1993
- LiamIsidore Bethel, 2018
- To Your HealthPhilip Stapp, 1956
- Alone in the DarkDonald W. Thompson, 1993
- SobrietyJon Jarocki, 2016
- Room: The MysteryFaisal Khan, 2015
- The Family CircusAndrew Fitzgerald, 2023
- For the DefenseJohn Cromwell, 1930