The best movies
with the theme cooking competition
- Le Grand ChefJeon Yun-su, 2007
- Final RecipeGina Kim, 2013
- Cat Run 2John Stockwell, 2014
- JadooAmit Gupta, 2013
- East Side SushiAnthony Lucero, 2014
- You're the JudgeGeorge B. Seitz Jr., 1965
- The Jubilee Pudding: 70 Years in the BakingPhil Ashton, Ray Easmon, 2022
- Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi BattleBaek Dong-hoon, 2010
- My Father's MenuPham Rangsee, 2013
- Love on FireChristie Will Wolf, 2022
- Oishinbo: Ultimate vs. SupremacyIku Suzuki, Yoshio Takeuchi, 1992
- Under The StarsSébastien Tulard, 2023
- Sugar HighAriel Boles, 2020
- Curry GirlTakeshi Niizato, 2006
- AnnapooraniNilesh Krishnaa, 2023
- Oishinbo: The Japan-America Rice WarYoshio Takeuchi, 1993