The best movies
with the theme communist
- Uncharted ChannelsHenry King, 1920
- Yellow EarthKaige Chen, 1984
- La novia del príncipeJosé Luis Sánchez Codina, 2001
- Shack Out on 101Edward Dein, 1955
- You Made Me a CommunistThoppil Bhasi, 1970
- Decidme cómo es un árbol
- The Issue of Mr. O'DellRami Katz, 2020
- KashtataStefan Dimitrov,
- So Siu SiuLee Sun-fung, 1962
- Al patrulea gard, langa debarcaderCristiana Nicolae, 1986
- Pobeda kitayskogo narodaIvan Lukinsky, Leonid Varlamov, 1950
- The Conscience of NationsMatti Kuortti, Jyrki Näsänen, 1979
- The Assassination of TrotskyJoseph Losey, 1972
- Damski interes z cyklu 'Opowiesci weekendowe'Krzysztof Zanussi, 1996
- Yellow EarthKaige Chen, 1984
- InterkosmosJim Finn, 2006
- Al patrulea gard, langa debarcaderCristiana Nicolae, 1986
- 13. julRadomir Saranovic, 1982
- Placido RizzottoPasquale Scimeca, 2000
- Peter VinogradofAleksandr Macheret, 1935