The best movies
with the theme collage film
- La Classe américaineDominique Mézerette, Michel Hazanavicius, 1993
- In the Name of the FatherMarco Bellocchio, 1971
- Murder PsalmStan Brakhage, 1980
- The Movie OrgyJoe Dante, 1968
- Rose HobartJoseph Cornell, 1936
- A Trip Down Memory LaneArthur Lipsett, 1966
- Very Nice, Very NiceArthur Lipsett, 1961
- Fast FilmVirgil Widrich, 2003
- SwitzerlandersMichael Steiner, 2020
- When Forever DiesPeet Gelderblom, 2020
- Don't Work (1968-2018)César Vayssié, 2018
- Space Thunder KidsElton Reins, 1991
- Ultima ThuleJanie Geiser, 2002
- Wild GunmanCraig Baldwin, 1978
- Made in JapanRenzo Kinoshita, Sayoko Kinoshita, 1972
- The Red BookJanie Geiser, 1994
- See Saw SeamsStan VanDerBeek, 1965
- A Movie Made ofMalena Solarz, Nicolás Zukerfeld, 2019
- Metamorphoses ILutz Dammbeck, 1978
- Loose EndsChick Strand, 1979
- Squaring the Circle (The Story of Hipgnosis)Anton Corbijn, 2023
- Fox & PenguinDave Lojek, Catharina Hamerle, 2021
- Trailer of a Film That Will Never Exist: Phony WarsJean-Luc Godard, 2023
- The Great Yiddish LoveDiane Nerwen, 2002
- Serial MetaphysicsWheeler Winston Dixon, 1972