The best movies
with the theme boxing trainer
- Million Dollar BabyClint Eastwood, 2004
- 'G' MenWilliam Keighley, 1935
- The FighterDavid O. Russell, 2010
- Against the RopesCharles S. Dutton, 2004
- CreedRyan Coogler, 2015
- What Men WantAdam Shankman, 2019
- Chick FightPaul Leyden, 2020
- Small, Slow But SteadySho Miyake, 2022
- The All-American BoyCharles Eastman, 1973
- Below the BeltDon Won DeMarco, 2021
- Fighting Tommy RileyEddie O'Flaherty, 2005
- 100 Yen LoveMasaharu Take, 2014
- Perfect AddictionCastille Landon, 2023
- GuruSudha Kongara Prasad, 2017
- Chasing WindmillsRoss Walker, 2018
- RingsideJames Twyman, 2021
- The HookNick Flügge, 2015