The best movies
with the theme bedtime story
- Away We GoSam Mendes, 2009
- Little Miss MarkerAlexander Hall, 1934
- Goodnight Moon & Other Sleepytime TalesAmy Schatz, 1999
- BorgmanAlex van Warmerdam, 2013
- Goodbye Christopher RobinSimon Curtis, 2017
- A Boy Called ChristmasGil Kenan, 2021
- Alice in WonderlandYefrem Pruzhanskyi, 1981
- The Burning MoonOlaf Ittenbach, 1992
- The Adventures of Sheriff Kid McLainGui Pereira, 2013
- Monster in a HouseChristiano Dias, 2014
- The Story of a Hare BoyAndo Keskküla, 1975
- Uncle JackJamin Winans, 2010
- I Don't Fight the Dark as Well as I Used ToAidan Cronin, 2023