The best movies
with the theme arrested
- HeartlandKevin Billington, 1989
- Body ShotsMichael Cristofer, 1999
- High CrimesCarl Franklin, 2002
- Teen Titans: Trouble in TokyoMichael Chang, Heather A. Maxwell, Matt Youngberg, 2006
- CharlatanAgnieszka Holland, 2020
- VagabondGyörgy Szomjas, 2003
- TomcatsHarry Kerwin, 1977
- After Diff'rent Strokes: When the Laughter StoppedTed Haimes, 2000
- The Gyurkovics BoysJohn W. Brunius, 1920
- Detour
- SubterraneaMathew Miller, 2015
- Mission Pakal to MarsIlhuil Bravo Beltran, 2016
- TMZ Presents: The Downfall of Diddy 2024