The best movies
with the theme arab culture
- The Ornament of the WorldMichael Schwarz, 2019
- Yallah! UndergroundFarid Eslam, 2015
- The ValleyGhassan Salhab, 2014
- The CitadelMohamed Chouikh, 1988
- Linda & Ali: Two Worlds Within Four WallsLut Vandekeybus, 2006
- Arab MovieEyal Sagui Bezawe, Sara Tsifroni, 2015
- Khawla's GoalRalph Gladitz,
- PegasusMohamed Mouftakir, 2010
- Tahia Ya Didou !Mohamed Zinet, 1971
- 143 Sahara StreetHassen Ferhani, 2021
- L'ObstacleMohamed Bouamari, 1965
- LumièresJean-Pierre Lledo, 1989