Ashes of Love

1 Season - 63 Episodes.
Production ended
Ashes of Love


Jin Mi is the daughter of a flower deity who is fed a pill that prevents her from feeling or expressing romantic love. She gets tangled in a love triangle with Heavenly Prince Xu Feng and the ambitious Night Deity Run Yu.

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  • Yang ZiJin Mi
  • Deng LunXu Feng
  • Luo YunxiRun Yu
  • Wang YifeiSui He
  • Yukee ChenLiu Ying
  • Zhou TingweiQi Luan
  • Kathy ChowTu Yao / Heavenly Empress
  • He ZhonghuaTai Wei / Heavenly Emperor
  • Du YuchenKuang Lu
  • Xia ZhiyuanDan Zhu / Moon Immortal


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