Fireworks of My Heart

1 Season - 40 Episodes.
Production ended
Fireworks of My Heart


Fire chief Song Yan and emergency doctor Xu Qin were separated by family opposition when they were younger. Now ten years later, they meet again due to their professions. After experiencing life and death together, they manage to find their way back, working together and encouraging each other. They acknowledge each other's individual growth after years apart, but will they be able to overcome the obstacles in their path this time to stay together?

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  • Yang YangSong Yan
  • Wang ChuranXu Qin / Meng Qin
  • Wang YanlinJiang Yu
  • Wei DaxunMeng Yanchen
  • Vin ZhangSuo Jun
  • Yang ChaoyueZhai Miao
  • Zhang YueLi Meng
  • Chen JinFu Wenying
  • Yang YuxiYe Zi
  • Hu KeAunt


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