The Golden Hour

1 Season - 6 Episodes.
In Production.
The Golden Hour


Mardik, a Dutch detective of Afghan descent, receives word that his childhood friend Faysal has come to the Netherlands. When a terrorist attack occurs the next day, Mardik suspects Faysal and investigates, with drastic consequences.

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    • Nasrdin DcharMardik
    • Ellen ParrenJoelle Walters
    • Mohammed AzaayRiad
    • Matteo van der GrijnIlja
    • Nabil MallatRayan
    • Abbas FasaeiFaysal
    • Yannick de WaalMax
    • Charlene SanchoMalcanthi
    • Payam MadjlessiMalik Fardin
    • Tamar van den DopLinda


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