Walk the Talk

1 Season - 10 Episodes.
Production ended
Walk the Talk


Pontus, Mats, Olle and David. Four friends in their 40s who are restarting their lives in different ways when they thought all the choices were made. The main roles are played by Gustaf Hammarsten, Shanti Roney, Erik Johansson and Jacob Ericksson.

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  • Erik JohanssonDavid
  • Jacob ErickssonPontus
  • Malin CederbladCharlotte
  • Anja LundqvistLotta
  • Johan UlvesonOtto
  • Lena StrömdahlOlles läkare
  • Kjell BergqvistKjell-Olof Heldt, mäklare
  • Magnus ErikssonCharlottes chef
  • Rakel WärmländerAnja
  • Claes MånssonAnjas far
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