- Courtesy Call 1973
- King Lear 1970
- My Dearly Beloved Detective 1986
- This Merry Planet 1973
- Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin 1981
- Rally 1978
- Last Summer of Childhood 1975
- Little Nothings of Life 1980
- Can-Can in English Park 1985
- The Hijacking of 'Savoy' 1979
- The Cure Against Fear 1978
- Escape of Mr. McKinley 1975
- Flight Is Postponed 1974
- Lady with a Parrot 1988
- Northern Crusades 1972
- The Sparkling World 1984
- The Kiss 1983
- Land, Poste Restante 1973
- Velvet Season 1978
- Take Care of the Men! 1982
- Perfect Crime 1990
- Was There Karotin? 1990
- Gruz Bez Markirovki 1984
- Conscience 1974
- The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce 1977
- Shore of his life 1984