- The Lady and the Mouse 1913
- The Sands of Dee 1912
- The Massacre 1912
- The Battle at Elderbush Gulch 1913
- Tango Tangles 1914
- His Favorite Pastime 1914
- A Film Johnnie 1914
- Mabel's Busy Day 1914
- The Knockout 1914
- Mabel's Married Life 1914
- The Masquerader 1914
- The Face on the Barroom Floor 1914
- The Property Man 1914
- Tillie's Punctured Romance 1914
- Stolen Glory 1912
- An Indian's Loyalty 1913
- The Rent Jumpers 1915
- A Lodging for the Night 1912
- Iola's Promise 1912
- The Mender of Nets 1912
- Ramona 1910
- The Unchanging Sea 1910