- Hercules the Invincible 1964
- Three Dollars of Lead 1964
- Son of Django 1967
- Sheriff With the Gold 1966
- Death Is Sweet From the Soldier Of God 1972
- The Cop in Blue Jeans 1976
- The Magnificent Texan 1967
- Damned Pistols of Dallas 1964
- The Son of the Sheik 1978
- Colt 38 Special Squad 1976
- No Room to Die 1969
- The Big Bust-Out 1972
- The Swindle 1977
- Little Italy 1978
- Bloody Pit of Horror 1965
- The Exorciccio 1975
- The Inglorious Bastards 1978
- Convoy Busters 1978
- Durango Is Coming, Pay or Die 1971
- The Criminals Attack. The Police Respond 1977
- Oil 1977
- Shoot, Gringo... Shoot! 1968
- Superargo and the Faceless Giants 1968
- Loaded Guns 1975
- Colossus of the Arena 1962
- Hit Squad 1976
- Run, Run, Joe! 1974
- Crime Busters 1977
- Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure 1981
- Lover of the Monster 1974
- Cry of Death 1968
- Triumph of the Ten Gladiators 1964
- Now They Call Him Sacramento 1972
- Popeye 1980
- Wanted Sabata 1970
- They Call Him Cemetery 1971
- Keoma 1976
- Un colpo da Re 1967
- Stunt Squad 1977
- Return of the Saint 1978