- The Girl and the Playboy 1965
- Nyhavns glade gutter 1967
- Forelsket i København 1960
- Laan mig din kone 1957
- Tre finder en kro 1955
- I, a Woman 1965
- 3 må man være 1959
- Me and My Kid Brother and Doggie 1969
- Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie 1971
- Helle for Helene 1959
- The Invisible Army 1945
- Den store gav-tyv 1956
- In the Sign of the Taurus 1974
- The Key to Paradise 1970
- In the Sign of the Gemini 1975
- The Ghost Train 1976
- The Loose Tile 1966
- Regnen holdt op 1942
- Hidden Fear 1957
- The Boy Who Loved Horses 1961
- Naar Bønder elsker 1942
- The House at Christianshavn 1970
- Matador 1978