- The Red and the White 1967
- The Marriage of Balzaminov 1964
- Dima Gorin's Career 1961
- Sitting on the Golden Porch 1986
- Over Tissa 1958
- The Boys from Leningrad 1954
- Different Fortunes 1956
- Clumsy Friend 1959
- Good Morning 1955
- Aleksa Dundic 1958
- May Night, or the Drowned Maiden 1952
- Unexpected, Unforeseen 1982
- Radunitsa 1984
- Only Together 1976
- Portrait of the Artist's Wife 1982
- The Mysterious Monk 1968
- Moonlit Nights 1967
- Принцесса и нищенка 2009
- To Remember 1993