Menelaos Karamaggiolis (Μενέλαος Καραμαγγιώλης) is a director, producer and screenwriter.
He has directed the short documentaries “Alpheus” (1985), “Hail Mary” (1986), “The Colossus of the Sun” (1987) as well as the award-winning feature-length documentaries in Greece and abroad: “Rom” (1989), which has been described as “the turning point of Greek documentary that everyone now admits constitutes a milestone in the history of Greek documentary”, and “a masterpiece that should remain a classic in the history of cinema” (Nicole Brenez, curator of the avant-garde film series of the French Film Archive [Cinémathèque française][2]) and “Elias Aegli” (1987), which continue and are screened to this day at international festivals.
His feature films (fiction): “Black Out” (1998), which has been described as “the first genuine postmodern Greek film” and “J.A.C.E.