Nils Bengt Folke Ekerot was a Swedish actor and director.
He had several important roles in Swedish films, but he became immortalized in 1957 when he starred in Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal, portraying Death as a white-faced man in a black cloak, an archetype that has influenced the representation of Death in countless instances in film and other media since then.
- The Seventh Seal 1957
- Here Is Your Life 1966
- The Magician 1958
- Brita i grosshandlarhuset 1946
- Flames in the Dark 1942
- Who Saw Him Die? 1968
- Crime and Punishment 1945
- Put Our Märta First or As Luck Will Have It 1945
- Interlude 1946
- On a Bench in a Park 1960
- Jazz Boy 1958
- We Home Toilers 1942
- Sonja 1943
- Ola and Julia 1967
- The Corridor 1968
- Life's Just Great 1967
- The Nuthouse 1951
- The D.T.'s 1966
- Herre med portfölj 1943