Daniela Castro is a famous Mexican actress with a long career in the artistic environment of her country and who has ventured into all areas: television, cinema, theater, and even music was encouraged at the end of the nineties, however, It has been in soap operas where she earned his recognition..
- Santo: la leyenda del enmascarado de plata 1993
- Passion 2007
- Killer Women 2008
- What Life Took From Me 2013
- Cadenas de amargura 1991
- Desencuentro 1997
- Mi segunda madre 1989
- Cañaveral de Pasiones 1996
- Triángulo 1992
- El Noveno mandamiento 2001
- Burden of Guilt 2009
- Top Chef VIP 2022
- Una familia con suerte 2011
- Días sin luna 1990