- Zorba the Greek 1964
- The Red Lanterns 1963
- I Sinned for My Child 1950
- Μικροί και μεγάλοι εν δράσει... 1963
- Another One for the Million 1964
- Wake up, you sucker... 1969
- Crazy, Nuts and Vengos 1967
- Come on People 1967
- Eva Has Not Sinned 1965
- A Rich Without Money 1967
- Marijuana Stop! 1971
- The Hemline 1980
- Conflict of Emotions 1971
- Amfivolies 1964
- Η Γόησσα 1967
- Captives of Hate 1972
- My Dimitri... My Dimitri 1967
- The barker 1964
- The fate of the innocent 1965
- Αυτή η γη είναι δική μας 1967
- Yperoha Plasmata 2007
- 7 Thanásimes Petherés 2004